Revolutionizing Dental Device Management

A Collaborative Journey towards Innovation and Operational Excellence in the Dental Industry

Transforming SciCan COLTENE’s Legacy Dental Platform

The impact was profound: a modernized and intuitive interface, a substantial revenue surge through direct sales integration, improved development efficiency, cost-effective API optimization, operational stability during transitions, and enhanced control over device management.

In essence, Synergo’s collaborative approach revolutionized SciCan COLTENE’s platform, aligning it seamlessly with the dynamic demands of the dental industry.


SciCan COLTENE, a prominent player in the dental industry, approached us with a focus on selling medical devices, equipment, and spare parts.

The challenge was to elevate their platform, ensuring multi-role access, streamlined device management, efficient troubleshooting, and integrated direct sales capabilities.

Our collaboration aimed to retain the existing user base while implementing a refreshed design system.

The challenge

SciCan COLTENE’s existing platform needed a facelift to keep up with industry demands. The goal was to diversify various user roles by introducing multiple access levels, optimize device management, and seamlessly integrate a direct sales platform.


Legacy Platform Refinement

Modernizing an existing system while preserving core functionalities.


User Role Diversification

Introducing multiple access levels for Admins, Technicians, End users, and Dealers, balancing accessibility with security.


Device Management and Troubleshooting

Streamlining processes for monitoring, troubleshooting, and remote access to registered devices without overwhelming users.


Integration of Direct Sales Platform

Seamlessly incorporating a shopping experience into the platform, merging e-commerce with core management features.


Design System Enhancement

Elevating the provided design system and components for a cohesive visual language while respecting user familiarity.


Mobile Responsiveness

Adapting almost all screens for mobile sizes to meet the demand for increased accessibility.


Limited API Changes

Navigating constraints of limited API changes, requiring creative solutions for desired enhancements. The goal was to provide user roles based access, optimize device management, and seamlessly integrate a direct sales platform.

The solutions

SciCan COLTENE’s existing platform needed a facelift to keep up with industry demands. The goal was to diversify various user roles by introducing multiple access levels, optimize device management, and seamlessly integrate a direct sales platform.

Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.

Design Reinvention for Enhanced Functionality

Our design team worked closely with SciCan COLTENE to revamp the platform, utilizing a foundational design system and components from a previous team.

This allowed us to introduce improvements for new screens while preserving the familiar design language for existing users.

Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.

Seamless Integration of Sales Platform

A key addition was the direct integration of a shop within the platform. This empowered SciCan COLTENE to sell products and equipment directly through the SciCan Coltene Dashboard.

Additionally, the platform offered digital services as subscriptions.

Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.

Multi-Role Access and Advanced Device Management

The revamped platform now caters to diverse roles, including Admins, Technicians, End users, and Dealers.

It efficiently manages all registered devices, offering features like remote access, event monitoring, user and account management, and streamlined troubleshooting.

Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.

Operational Stability and Support

While introducing these enhancements, our team prioritized maintaining overall system stability.

In the face of internal company changes, we facilitated smooth transitions, conducted training sessions, and successfully onboarded new personnel.

Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.

Analytical Insights and AWS Optimization

In-depth analysis of complex scenarios specific to AWS was carried out using monitoring tools such as Kibana, Grafana, and Prometheus. The team focused on optimizing existing systems, employing AWS Lambda for specific functionalities, and managing infrastructure using Terraform.


  1. ReactJS for Front-End Development: Coltene utilized ReactJS for its front-end development, leveraging its efficient and flexible JavaScript library to build a dynamic user interface.
  2. AWS Amplify for Secure Authentication and Authorization: AWS Amplify was implemented for secure authentication and authorization processes, providing a reliable framework for user management and security measures.
  3. Redux for Robust State Management: The technology stack incorporated Redux for robust state management, ensuring a predictable state container for JavaScript apps that enhances performance and debugging capabilities.
  4. Seamless Communication with AWS Lambda APIs: The integration with AWS Lambda APIs facilitated seamless communication, allowing for serverless computing and efficient back-end services.
  5. Custom-Made Components for Flexibility: To ensure flexibility and maintain a unique user experience, Coltene avoided external libraries, opting instead to craft custom-made components tailored to their specific needs.

The Team

The Synergo Group team, led by UI/UX designers and developers skilled in ReactJS and AWS, collaborated seamlessly for the SciCan COLTENE project.

UI/UX designers refined the system for a modern, mobile-responsive experience, while developers refactored code, integrated a direct sales platform, and optimized API calls.

System analysts contributed expertise in infrastructure understanding and AWS optimization. This team, working in tandem with SciCan COLTENE’s on-site team (backend developers, and testers) successfully transformed the platform into a modern, efficient, and user-centric solution for the dynamic demands of the dental industry

Client’s Feedback

“Although there was a 7-hour time difference between us, their team was always available to work with us. It felt like they were a part of our internal team. Their passion for their work could be seen in the quality results they delivered.”

Ubong Oluigbo

Manager - Digital Group SciCan Ltd.

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