Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.

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Healthcare and Life Sciences

Transforming Healthcare with Cutting-Edge Technology

Advances in consumer technology, wearable devices, data analysis, AI, and scalable integration platforms are driving this transformation, placing patients at the heart of innovation.

We are dedicated to keeping you at the forefront of these changes. We partner with organizations across the healthcare sector to deliver impactful solutions.

Years of developing successful solutions
Successfully finished projects
Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.


What we can do for you

We equip healthcare providers with customized digital tools and platforms designed to advance patient care on a broad scale.

We develop advanced AI and machine learning tools to enhance drug discovery, personalize treatment plans, and streamline healthcare operations.

We create and refine digital platforms for telehealth and remote patient monitoring, expanding accessibility and improving patient engagement.

We invest in sustainable software practices and robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data and support sustainable healthcare initiatives.

Utilize big data analytics to enhance patient outcomes and operational efficiencies, while implementing strong data protection measures to maintain patient privacy.

We create digital tools and platforms to support mental health, integrating these services with physical health care for comprehensive patient support.

Synergo Group’s professionalism and courteousness are outstanding; they’re the best development team we’ve worked with. They feel like part of our team, and I no longer view them as contractors. My background isn’t in technology, so having a trustworthy partner like them has been very important for us.

Nadia Hamilton

Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.


Innovative Solutions in Healthcare

Discover how our innovative solutions have made a significant impact in the healthcare sector.

We successfully delivered a mobile-responsive web application designed for concussion patients to monitor their symptoms. Our work encompassed UI design, coding, functionality, and deployment, ensuring a user-friendly experience.
Additionally, we developed a robust web platform for the healthcare sector that consolidates data from multiple sources to offer insights on newly funded companies. This platform features advanced search and filter options, integrates with data sources like Crunchbase and email validation APIs, and supports CRM exports via a custom Zapier integration.
Our comprehensive service also includes hosting and ongoing support for both applications, enhancing their functionality and performance.

We partnered with a leading Canadian company to create a dynamic marketplace for biotechnology professionals and companies seeking freelance expertise. Our platform allows users to upload resumes, showcase their experience, and detail their services, enabling both job seekers and employers to connect effectively.
We designed an interface that emphasizes simplicity and functionality, tailored specifically for the biotechnology sector. To ensure data security, we implemented encryption for CV details and a verification process to uphold credential integrity.
Utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) for its scalability and reliability, we hosted the platform while conducting rigorous regression testing to maintain seamless functionality with each update.
The platform was developed as a Progressive Web App (PWA), merging the advantages of web and mobile app experiences for optimal user access.

We were initially brought on board to support an application post-acquisition of a startup we had previously collaborated with.
As we showcased our expertise, our role expanded to include a range of services such as software development, mobile development, and business intelligence through team augmentation. This growing partnership allowed us to address the company’s diverse and evolving needs effectively.
We enhanced the company’s business intelligence capabilities with specialized team integration, established a scalable IT support framework to adapt to changing business requirements, and bolstered operational capacity through dedicated expert teams, ensuring continued growth and efficiency.

Our primary goal was to enhance patient communication through a functional and user-friendly mobile and web application. Despite inheriting an incomplete project, we focused on delivering a robust Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that met the client’s immediate needs and provided a foundation for future updates.
We ensured compatibility across mobile and web platforms, concentrating on improving user experience through iterative feature adjustments. By closely aligning with the client’s objectives, we promptly addressed technical issues and change requests through a rigorous Quality Control (QC) process.
We successfully transformed the app from a non-functional state into a fully operational solution, ready for deployment and adaptable to evolving user needs and expectations.

View related case study

How we proved our software quality and reliability in every project we completed with our clients.

Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.
Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.
Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.
Synergo - full service web & mobile solutions team.

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Let’s synergize and make your project happen

Let’s talk about what we can make, build and scale together.

Synergo Group